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Categoría: Cartoon


Fue uno de los tantos cartoons de bajo presupuesto e independientes que poblaron las pantallas de TV en determinada época, siendo luego olvidados a raíz de su falta de reposición.
Hércules (cuyo anillo le provee de fuerza sobrehumana) lucha a favor de los habitantes del Valle Leario, su amiga Helena, un sátiro mudo llamado Tewt y un centauro llamado Newton, que repite todo lo que dice dos veces.
Su archienemigo es Dédalo el malvado hechicero quién tenía un gato llamado Dido. Otros enemigos incluyen la Bruja del mar y la Máscara de Vulcán.
- Hercules vs. The Many-Headed Hydra Hercules Saves The Villagers
- Hercules And The Magic Arrows Hercules Battles The Krudes Beast
- The Chair Of Forgetfulness The Cave Of Death
- Medusa's Scepter Search Of The Golden Apples
- The Defiant Mask Of Vulcan Hercules Protects Helena And Newton
- The Sun Diamond Of Helios The Thunderbolt Disc
- The Bewitch Birds The Enchanted Pool
- The Endless Chasm The Golden Goblet
- The Lexas Lagoon Guarding Of The Olympic Torch
- Hercules Helps King Neptune Hercules vs. The Hideous Bird-Beast
- The Return Of The Mask The Magnetic Stone
- Hercules Saves Helena The Magic Rod
- The Minotaur Hercules And The Eternal Sleep
- The Clutching Clay Pool Princess Rhea
- The Valley Of Whirlwinds The Wild Boar
- The Magic Belt Of Hercules The Errand Of Mercy
- The Neamean Legion The Magician
- Dorian's Wreath The Unicorns
- Wilamene The Witch And The Magic Ring
- Diomedes' Evil Plot Hercules' Unwanted Powers
- The Enchanted Wolf Hercules Saves The Kingdom
- Hercules And His Two Rivals Hercules Saves The King
- The Thracian Army The Gems Of Venus
- The Golden Torch The Chameleon Creature
- Earthquake Valley Newton The Centaur
- Helena Kidnapped - Hercules To The Rescue Hercules And His Friends
- The Magic Sword Timon's Grandfather And Hercules
- Hercules Loses His Memory The Hall Of Justice
- The Cave Of Callisto The Powerless Hercules
- Omar, The Sultan's Champion Sandals Of Electra
- The Sea Witch The Giant
- Helena's Beauty The Island Of The Miros Monster
- Hercules And The Fireball Hercules Outwits The Magician
- The Evil Weapon The Giant Ruby
- The Owl Man The Chameleon Man
- Hercules Foils The Mask Of The Vulcan The Exploding Diamond
- Hercules And The Sea Witch The Magic Lamp
- The Owl-Man Of Panssus The Eruption Of Mount Sirus
- The Deadly Gift The Thesian Thunderhorn
- The Dreaded Beast Of Charon Hercules, Newton, And The Evil Magician
- The Fiery Abyss The Giant Dragonfly
- Tewt's Magic Wand Trouble The Wings Of Mercury
- The Sea Beast Prometheus In Dire Danger
- The Crafty Chameleon Kingdom Under The Glass Dome
- The Fantus Beast The Lyssidian Locusts
- Hercules Saves Calydon Helena's Jinx
- The Sinister Statue Friend Or Foe Of Centaur
- The Young Olympians The Feast Of Calydon
- The Lava Flow The Dreaded Draught
- Underwater Battle The Sidian Illusion Stone
- Timon To The Aid Of Hercules The Fiery Pits Of Pyros
- The Clovis Creature The Valley Of Storms
- The Centaur On Michief Day The Throne Of Calydon
- Battle Of the Magic Rings King For A Day
- Diomedes And His Warriors