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Categoría: Cartoon


Esta serie es un derivado de Scooby-Doo, que también fue creado por Joe Ruby
Cuatro adolescentes (Kim, Biff, Puggsy, y Sherman "Colmillo" Fangsworth, que se transforma en un lobo cuando ve la luna), quienes solucionan los misterios que implicaban fantasmas.
- A Heap of Trouble
- A Creep From the Deep
- The Shocking Creature Feature
- Westward Ho to the UFO
- The Great Ape Escape
- Dinosaur Daze
- Don't Abra When You Cadabra
- Space Monster Mishap
- The Invisible Menance Mix-Uo
- The Cuckoo Carnival Calamity
- Begone You Amazon
- Snow Job Jitters
- The Goofy Gargoyle Goof-Up
- A Tooth Shark Is No Lark
- Where's the Wolf That's a Werewolf?
- Don't Get Mean with Cobra Queen
- There Is Nothing Worse Than A Stony Curse
- Evil Guider of the Giant Spider
- Dr. Lupiter and the Thing from Jupiter
- Who Do The Voodoo
- The Creepy Goon from the Spooky Lagoon
- Scary Affair in the Skullman's Lair
- A Time-Machine Trip to the Pirates Ship
- The Ill-Will of Dr. Chill
- Romantic Plot of the She-Wolf Robot
- The Sinister Plan of Lizard Man
- Royal Trouble with the King's Double
- The Stone-Cold Dragon of Gold
- The Evil Design of Vulture-Man's Mind
- The Defiant Casablanca Giant
- The Film Fiasco of Director Disastro
- Goofy Bungle in the Filipino Jungle